This site contains adult content, including nude images and sexually explicit material.
You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this site and it must be legal to view
sexually explicit material where you live. If you are not at least 18 years of age,
if you are visiting this site where it is prohibited by law or if you are offended by
sexually explicit images,
By accepting this agreement and entering this site, I agree that the following is true:
I am at least 18 years of age or older.
I am voluntarily choosing to enter this site to view adult only,
sexually oriented material, which I do not find offensive or objectionable.
I am entering this site for my own personal use in my private residence.
I am not visiting the website from the jurisdiction of any municiplality, city, state,
country or governmental entity where viewing adult content is prohibited by law. I warrant
that the images I am requesting, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contain only
descriptions or depictions of sexual activity which are acceptable to my current community standards.
I will not exhibit any material from your site to a minor or allow any minor to view your website. I will not allow any person who is under the jurisdiction of any municipality, city, state or country where viewing adult material is prohibited by law to view any adult material from your website. I will not show this website's content to anyone who might find it's contents offensive or voluntarily does not wish to view it.
I am not accessing this site for materials to use against the site owners and operators
or any persons whomever in any conceivable manner.
By entering this site, I release, discharge and hold harmless the providers, owners and
creators of this website from any and all liabilty which might arise from viewing or
reading it's adult content.